Dan Schultz of TruthGoggles will be attending BCNI and hackathon.
Let’s get this straight, the more than 180 people registered for the fourth annual BarCamp NewsInnovation are really impressive.
See the list and register yourself here.
The group of attendees is always standout for an unconference on the future of news, and this year may reach another height. As we have in the past, we wanted to highlight a few first-time visitors, to share some of the people you ought to meet.
With the intersection of the BCNI unconference and the Open Gov ‘News’ Hackathon, it made sense to share two stars coming down who will be involved in both.
Dan Schultz, Knight News Challenge finalist for TruthGoggles:
Schultz is a graduate student at that prestigious, creative and slightly crazy institution, the MIT Media Lab. His thesis project, Truth Goggles, is intended to be “a magical button. When pressed, it will tell you (an average person who just wants to know what is happening in this crazy world) what is true and what is false on the website you are viewing.”

OaklandLocal co-founders Susan Mernit and senior editor Amy Gahran, who will be at BCNI 2012
Amy Gahran, mobile blogger for CNN.com and senior editor OaklandLocal.com
I’m a journalist, catalyst, editor, mentor, trainer, speaker, project manager, community manager, coach, and semi-geek. (I don’t code, but I can assemble and work with tech teams, and help evaluate technologies for digital media projects.)