Thanks for coming!
Posted by: Sean Blanda in: Uncategorized
First, nothing should be said about BCNI without thanking the Temple University Department of Journalism as the event’s main sponsor. Without , the conference would have been in my basement in Fishtown, and nobody wants that.
I’d also like to thank eMediaVitals for picking up the tab to try taping the sessions, Technically Philly for the labor and lunch help, SPJ for helping pick up the cost of supplies and WhoWhatNow for paying for breakfast.
Variety’s Chris Krewson once called BCNI a Philly Cheesesteak: messy but ultimately satisfying. And in that spirit this post will be kind of all over the place.
The Stats:
208: signups
118: actual attendees
225: bottles of water
24: cans of Sprite
48: cans of Cherry Coke
4: boxes of Herr’s chips
5: sponsors
24: sessions
16: boxes of Joe
7: left unopened
The Final Schedule:
10 am
11 am
- Journalists, Salespeople, Clients, Users and me. The thrills and spills of running a newspaper website.
Marc Steel - City Paper
- From $3MM to $60MM How Penton Media Developed its Online Ad Revenues
Prescott Shibles @pshibles
- Rethinking Our Thinking: in order to do better in journalism. Greg Linch
- An Emerging Hybrid - The Hawaii online-only new startup
Howard Weaver
- SEO + SMO for Journalists Susan Jacobson - Other presenters welcome
- Best Ways to Use YouTube Direct (roundtable discussion) Jack Lail
- Lead, Don’t Follow: News can move to the front, not behind Google Facebook and Twitter
Mike Buchanan News & Information Taxonomies (an open discussion about identifying types of web sites)
- Twitter is Stupid… …and other Foundations of our Content Strategy
NEastPhilly (a hyperlocal site)
2 pm
- Hyperlocal Roundtable @JuliaEveHays
- Democracy Journalism - Peer to peer politics of new funding models Conor White-Sullivan Localocracy
- Do what you do best and link to the rest Publish2
- Failure Is Not An Option, It is a necessity, lessons in screwing up Technically Philly
- Social Media / Social Money Jameel Farruk - Venmo
- Mobile Journalism - Publish to iPhone, iPad, Android on new platform Ken Kay -
3 pm
- Show Your Work- How do we use the internet to create/rebuild trust and authority in the news?
- Using Social Media as a Reporting Tool @JuliaEveHays and @EmilyKostic
- Design Roundtable “News Sites Still Suck” - Major Highfield
- The Evolution of Journalism Education - Temple University as a case study. Andrew Mendelson
- Leveraging the Community with WordPress M U on and George Mason University
Some Tweets we liked:

- Videos taken will be available soon.
- Other than Philadelphia, I’m pretty sure Sacramento was the most-represented city
- Other than Temple, Rowan University had the most attendees.
And probably, the coolest part, is that there is a BCNIBoston in the works.
2 Responses
My thoughts on BCNI (and Philadelphia) - - A blog about all kinds of media
04|May|2010 1[...] and if you want a more nuts and bolts recap of the event, head on over to AKPC_IDS += "617,"; By Blanda | Posted in BCNIPhilly | « BarCamp NewsInnovation 2, What [...]
BarCamp NewsInnovation 2.0: My take aways and experience « Christopher Wink
05|May|2010 2[...] Find all the relevant details, numbers and reading about the second annual event here. [...]
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