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What is a BarCamp?

A BarCamp is an ad-hoc gathering born from the desire for people to share and learn in an open environment.

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Who is coming?

Media executives, startups, editors, reporters, programmers, students to name a few

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Archive for the ‘Announcements’ Category

The Annenburg Building at Temple University has three floors where presentations will be given. However, our big schedule board will only be in the building’s atrium. To solve this problem, Carl Leiby has kindly allowed BCNI Philadelphia (again) to use his awesome scheduling application.
The application, which formats the schedule to be read on iPhones and [...]

Who’s coming (in logos!)

As a quick scan of our attendees list will show, BCNI draws a diverse crowd. Newspapers, startups and universities have all signed up to come.
For your logo-viewing pleasure, here are just some companies scheduled to attend:

WhoWhatNow our latest sponsor, join them!

We’re pleased to announce that WhoWhatNow has agree to sponsor BCNI’s breakfast!
The project, by University of Missouri professor and Pulitzer Prize winning photographer Jim MacMillan, aims to be a wire service for citizen journalism. MacMillan says he wants to take crowd-sourced news to the next level and find a way to reward independent journalists.  For more [...]

Your guide to presenting at BCNI Philly

At a typical conference, the only way you’re able to present is to cross your fingers and hope some special committe gives you a call. At BarCamp NewsInnovation, however, getting on the schedule is as easy as filling out an index card and posting on the schedule grid (above).
BarCamp follows the “unconference” model where the [...]

While last year’s afterparty had us all treking to old city, this year BCNI aims to make your post-BarCamp life easier.
BCNI 2010’s afterparty will take place immediately after the event at Temple’s very own Draught Horse, a nine minute walk from the event.
The afterparty will undoubtedly be amazing, but we’re looking for a sponsor to [...]

The rough schedule

As of now the day will follow the following schedule:
9:00 a.m.: Doors open / breakfast
9:45 a.m.: Opening remarks, explanation
10:00 a.m.: First sessions
11:00 a.m.: Second sessions
12:00 p.m.: Lunch session
1:00 p.m.: Third session
2:00 p.m.: Fourth session
3:00 p.m.: Fifth session
5:00 p.m.: After Party

One of the complaints we received last year was that BCNI was a little too open-ended and hard to grasp.
To help get the creative juices going and prefill some of the presentation slots we’re using to open the submission process to community.
Here’s how it works: you submit topics that would like to see discussed [...]

The complete schedule of BCNI 2009

Many thanks for Carl Leiby for offering his services as session card wrangler!
Below is the complete  BCNI Schedule. If your name is not next to your presentation, I apologize. Drop a comment below and I will fix it ASAP.
10 AM:

Newspaper Brand vs. Journalist Brand: who will have more clout in 2010
Beatblogging and Why News Should [...]